Clannad movie tree
Clannad movie tree

These illusions generally give the viewers more background on the characters and the way they think/feel about certain things.

clannad movie tree

The symbology in the two illusionary worlds is slightly different but both fit perfectly fine in their respective show. But instead of the girl and robot, we have a “clown”. Mirroring this concept, Clannad TMP also has an illusionary world.

#Clannad movie tree series#

There was this “illusionary” world in Clannad TV series where they featured, with great CG animation, a girl and a robot built from scrap metal. It also means a confused protagonist at a loss after being challenged by the hardships in life. This means that we still get the usual comedic side of a delinquent high schooler lifestyle. While the movie did not do very well in this department compared to the TV series (largely due to the lack of character development and coverage), the overall story in the movie did manage to create a similar atmosphere for viewers. Its whole purpose is to milk out all your emotions that you often don’t have toward anime. This in turn means no light orbs … hence a more realistic ending.Īlthough Clannad is a slice of life/romance anime, its similarities end there with other show of the same genre. This means that Tomoya never develop any kind of deep friendship with the others and consequently did not help them when they were troubled. Assuming you have the background from the TV series (if you have no background what-so-ever please skip the rest of this paragraph) then you should be warned that first of all, this is purely a Tomoya x Nagisa scenario with all other heroines playing a minor role, or in some cases did not even have a role. While the story is still being told from Tomoya’s perspective, many aspects of the show depart from the TV series. But nonetheless Clannad TMP is still a movie that a true Clannad fan should not miss out on. that the movie is retelling a story in ~90 minutes that its TV counterpart took ~1100 minutes to tell! Thus some events may seem to occur at an unreasonable pace.

clannad movie tree

*An alternate interpretation of the Clannad story centered around the Nagisa x Tomoya couple.*ĭid you get confused with the ending in Clannad After Story? Did you wish for a more realistic ending? Did you know that Clannad The Motion Picture might just be what you are looking for? Or perhaps you have heard of Clannad and Clannad After Story from all your friends, but you have yet to try it out? Clannad The Motion Picture (TMP for short) provides a great summary of all the major events that took place in the ~46 episodes (excluding OVA/recap) series between the two main protagonists. As the pair face various hardships and afflictions, Tomoya and Nagisa gradually come to terms with the challenges of life.

clannad movie tree

But what starts as a simple friendship may progress into something far more deep, intimate, and life-changing. When he learns that Nagisa's dream is to revive the Drama Club, Tomoya decides to shed his detachment from the ordinary pleasures of life and dedicate himself to helping his new friend achieve her ambition. However, as he soon realizes that he is encountering Nagisa more and more often during school, Tomoya drops his discompassions and befriends the girl. The odd girl offers a gesture of friendship to Tomoya, but he rejects the request, dismissing it as a trivial incident. Yet, meaningful human interaction can be a benediction, as Tomoya learns when he meets the enigmatic Nagisa Furukawa. During his childhood, a tragedy had caused his father to seek solace in alcoholism and neglect his son. Tomoya Okazaki is a cynical delinquent who lacks ambition as he apathetically labors through high school.

Clannad movie tree